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You Can Learn From My Mistakes

After being involved in a serious car accident, I really believed that my insurance company would take care of everything. It wasn't until I finally received their settlement offer that I realized they were not on my side at all. This is when I got wise and consulted a personal injury lawyer. It was the best decision I could have made. Thanks to my attorney, not only did I learn a lot about personal injury law, but I actually got the compensation that I needed and deserved. I made a lot of mistakes after my accident, but I also learned a lot along the way. It is my hope that this blog will allow other accident victims to learn from common mistakes and get the information they need to be successful in their own personal injury claims.

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You Can Learn From My Mistakes

Tips for When You're Injured on a Friend's Property

by Riley Sanchez

If you've been injured on a friend's property, you may be hesitant to consider hiring a lawyer. The process of filing legal claims against someone you care about may seem daunting, but there are a few ways that you can help get your medical expenses covered without ruining a friendship. 

Settle Out of Court

One option to consider is to settle out of court. Your friend may be willing to work with you and pay some of your expenses to avoid a trial or an increase in their home insurance premiums. This can save feelings on both sides, but it requires everyone to cooperate. 

Check Their Homeowner's Insurance

If your injuries are substantial, the next step would be to go through your friend's home insurance liability coverage. An attorney can help you to make sure that most of your expenses are covered by the insurance; you might need to put medical documentation together and prove that the injury occurred on your friend's property. 

Check Your Insurance Coverage

Your own health insurance might cover your expenses, even if another party was responsible for your injury. When in doubt, consult a personal injury attorney to help you put together a medical claim for your expenses. 

Hire a Sympathetic Lawyer

In order to have a solid standing in your personal injury or health insurance claim, you will likely need to bring a lawyer into the mix. Your best bet is to find a sympathetic personal injury attorney who will help you walk the line between getting compensated for your injury and considering the impacts on your friend. A great lawyer will streamline the process to prevent lengthy trials and arguments on both sides. Your attorney can also walk you through the many options for suing and help you decide which damages to include in your claims and which can be covered by your insurance or other parties. 

Consider Their Losses, Too

Even if you are the injured party, your friend might be suffering some losses too. For instance, if your accident damaged a fence, wall, or other part of the house, you might want to help them recover the losses from your accident. While you're probably not legally obligated to do this, this gesture can make all the difference in saving a friendship during a trying time. 

In short, you aren't on the hook for covering your own medical expenses if you have been injured on a friend's property. A personal injury lawyer can help you find a reasonable solution for getting your needs met while considering the impact on your friend's wallet. Find a lawyer through an establishment like Morales Law to begin.
